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上一条:中华人民共和国出入境管理法(中英双语) 下一条:西北大学外籍教师聘用与管理办法

发布时间:[2023-09-20] 阅读次数:[]


Moral and Ethical Code of Conduct

for Foreign Teachers of Northwest University

1. 遵守法律公德。遵守中国法律法规,遵守中国的公序良俗和教师职业道德,遵守教育与宗教相分离的原则,所实施的教育教学活动和内容应符合中国的教育方针和教学基本要求,不得损害中国的国家主权、安全、荣誉和社会公共利益。

   Comply with law and social ethics. One shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, Chinese public order and moralities and the professional ethics of teachers, abide by the principle of separating education from religion. The educational and teaching activities that are implemented shall conform to Chinese educational policies and basic requirements for teaching, and one shall not harm Chinese national sovereignty, security, honor, or public interests.

2. 传播优秀文化。不得通过课堂、论坛、讲座、信息网络及其他渠道发表、转发错误观点,或编造散布虚假信息、不良信息。不得以任何形式进行传教活动或宗教宣传,不得以教学名义在学生中散发宗教书籍或有关材料。

 Promote excellent culture. One shall not publish or forward false views or fabricate and disseminate false or undesirable information through classes, forums, lectures, networks and other channels. Any missionary activities or religious promotion in any form is prohibited, and distribution of religious books or related materials among students in the name of teaching is forbidden.

3. 潜心教书育人。落实立德树人根本任务,遵循教育规律和学生成长规律,因材施教,教学相长。不得违反教学纪律,敷衍教学,或擅自从事影响教育教学本职工作的兼职兼薪行为。

Dedicate to teaching and educating students. One shall implement the fundamental task of education, follow the law of education and student growth, conduct teaching activity according to the student’s various background, improve teaching skills through self-learning and teaching process. One shall not violate the teaching discipline, perform perfunctory teaching, or engage in unauthorized and paid part-time job that affects the work of education and teaching at NWU.

4. 关心爱护学生。严慈相济,诲人不倦,真心关爱学生,严格要求学生,做学生良师益友。不得要求学生从事与教学、科研、社会服务无关的事宜。

Care and love students. One shall be strict and compassionate, teach students with tireless enthusiasm, care for students whole-heartily, be strict with students, and be good role-model and daily life friends to students. One shall not ask students to engage in matters not related to teaching, research and social services.

5. 坚持言行雅正。为人师表,以身作则,举止文明,作风正派,自重自爱。不得与学生发生任何不正当关系,严禁任何形式的猥亵、性骚扰等行为。

Adhere to the integrity of words and deeds. As a teacher, one shall set as role-models, behave in a civilized and decent manner, and respect oneself. One shall not have any improper relationship with students. Any form of indecency and sexual harassment is prohibited.  

6. 遵守学术规范。严谨治学,力戒浮躁,潜心问道,勇于探索,坚守学术良知,反对学术不端。不得抄袭剽窃、篡改侵吞他人学术成果,或滥用学术资源和学术影响。

Abide by academic norms. One shall be rigorous in academic research, guard against impetuosity, devote ourselves to seeking truth, dare to explore, adhere to academic conscience, and oppose academic misconduct. One shall not plagiarize, tamper with and misappropriate other’s academic achievements, or abuse academic resources and academic influence.

7. 秉持公平诚信。坚持原则,处事公道,光明磊落,为人正直。不得在考试、绩效考核、岗位聘用、职称评聘、评优评奖等工作中徇私舞弊、弄虚作假。

Uphold fairness and integrity. One shall adhere to principles, be fair and honest. One shall not practice favoritism and fraud in examinations, performance appraisal, position employment, professional title evaluations, reward and award evaluations.

8. 坚守廉洁自律。严于律己,清廉从教。不得索要、收受学生及家长财物,不得参加由学生及家长付费的宴请、旅游、娱乐休闲等活动,或利用家长资源谋取私利。

Adhere to incorruptiness and self-discipline. One shall be strict with yourself and honest in teaching. One shall not ask for or accept the property of students and parents, or participate in banquets, trips, entertainment and leisure activities paid for by students and parents, or use parental resources for personal gain.

9. 积极奉献学校。履职尽责,贡献聪明才智,为学校国际化发展做贡献。不得损害学校名誉,不得擅自利用学校名义或校名、校徽、专利、场所等谋取个人利益。

Contribute actively to Northwest University. One shall fulfill their duties, contribute their wisdom and talents, and make contributions to the internationalization of Northwest University. It is not allowed to damage the reputation of NWU, and it is not allowed to use the name, the logo, the patent and the place of NWU to seek personal interests without authorization.

10. 不得有其他违反中国法律法规或教师职业道德的行为。

It is not allowed to engage in any acts that violates Chinese laws and regulations or the teachers’ professional ethics.

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